- Unlimited Live Classes
- Payments & Subscriptions
- Class & 1-to-1 Bookings
- Single Page Website
- On-Demand Library
- Unlimited Customers
- Unlimited Transactions
- 100 Active Subscribers + $0.50 /subscriber
Includes Starter +
- Multiple Teachers
- Full Website Builder
- Programs / Courses
- White Label – Your Domain
- Unlimited Customers
- Unlimited Transactions
- 300 Active Subscribers + $0.50 /subscriber
Includes Premium +
- Onboarding Support
- E-Commerce – Sell Products
- Unlimited Customers
- Unlimited Transactions
- 500 Active Subscribers + $0.50 /subscriber
- Dedicated Account Manager
- Mobile Apps (iOS & Android)
- TV Apps
- Multi-Location
- Customers (500+)
- Advanced Reporting
All Plans Include:
- 2-way Messaging (Unlimited Emails, Up to 100 texts + $0.02 /text)
- Video Hosting (100 Gb + $15 /100 Gb)
- Zoom Integration
- Full Reporting
Active Subscribers are customers that are currently active on a plan. You can have unlimited customers buying from you but as part of your pricing tier, your active subscriber count will be the number of customers in that month that are currently active on a plan.
No, there is no contract. Everything is month to month. You can cancel anytime within your account.
You can get it all setup as fast as 30 mins. Configuring your account is very easy and we have provided detailed documentation to help out. Our customer success team is also available to help out with any questions you have.
We are available Mon – Fri between 9am – 5pm Central through chat or email to provide you support. We are also available on Weekends through emails for tier 1 support. Our support goes beyond just helping you. We actually help strategize how you can make the most out of all the features offered on the portal. Our goal is to help you share your passion in the most effective and successful way possible.